
Klicia Sampaio is a professor and researcher of food engineering at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) in Campinas, Brazil. Her science research focuses on separation processes, involving biocatalysis, phase equilibrium study, vegetable oils, enzymatic degumming, food contaminants formed during the oil refining, nutraceutical compounds, exotic vegetable oils, and process control systems. Prof. Klicia Sampaio has been active in the research fields of Bioscience Engineering and Food Science and Technology.

Before joining the Unicamp in 2016 as professor, Klicia Sampaio worked as a postdoctoral researcher for two years in the Laboratory of Extraction, Applied Thermodynamics and Equilibrium (ExTrAE) at the Unicamp under the supervision of Prof. Antonio J. A. Meirelles. In addition, she worked as postdoctoral researcher for two years in the Synthesis, Bioresources and Bioorganic Chemistry Research Group (SynBioC) Research Group at the Ghent University (Belgium) under the supervision of Prof. Christian Stevens and Dr. Wim De Greyt. She obtained her Ph.D. in Food Engineering in 2011 from Unicamp through a collaboration program with Ghent University (Belgium). She received her M.Sc. degree in Food Engineering from Unicamp in 2006 and her B.Sc. degree in Food Engineering from UESB in 2003.

Personal Information

Nationality: Brazilian
Address: Department of Food Engineering, FEA
University of Campinas (Unicamp)
R. Monteiro Lobato, 80, Cidade Universitária
Campinas-SP, 13083-862, Brazil
Office Phone: + 55 19 3521-4045 (direct)


2006 – 2011Ph.D. in Food Engineering
Thesis: "Physical Deacidification of Palm Oil: effect of the oil composition, losses of nutraceutical
compounds and reaction kinetics"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio J. A. Meirelles (Brazil) / Prof. Dr. Roland Verhé (Belgium)
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil / Ghent University (UGENT), Belgium.

2004 – 2006M.Sc. in Food Engineering
Dissertation: "Evaluation of demand, electric consumption, and control of temperature for environment
conditioning, using refrigeration systems with thermal storage"
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Vivaldo Silveira Junior
University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil

1999 – 2003B.Sc. in Food Engineering
State University of Bahia Southwest (UESB), Brazil

1996 – 1998Technician in Food Technology
Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IF Baiano), Brazil

Professional History

2016 – presentAssistant Professor
Faculty of Food Engineering (FEA), UNICAMP, Brazil

2014 – 2016Postdoctoral Research Associate
ExTrAE Lab, UNICAMP, Brazil
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Antonio J. A. Meirelles
- Biodiesel production optimization through heterogeneous catalysis: vegetable oil extraction,
phase equilibrium, reaction kinetics, computational simulation and economic evaluation.

2012 – 2014Postdoctoral Research Associate
SynBioC Research Group, Ghent University
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Christian Stevens / Dr. Wim De Greyt
- Enzyme and Cavitation Technology for Sustainable Degumming of Vegetable Oils.
- Coriander Biorefinery: Reactive Extrusion and Oleochemistry.
- Evaluation of the anthocyanin content and composition from berry seeds and cake.

2009 – 2011Doctoral Intern
Desmet Ballestra R&D Center / Ghent University, Belgium
- Refining of vegetable oils: optimization of the deacidification/deodorization process.
- Contaminants, MCPD-esters (di-ester, mono-ester, and glycidyl-ester), in vegetable oils.

Awards and Distinctions

2017Most Downloaded Article, LWT - Food Science and Technology, Elsevier Journals.
2013Travel Award for EUROTOX 2013, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO-Belgium).
2013Travel Award for 11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Research Foundation - Flanders (FWO-Belgium).
2013Oral presentation, 11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress - Antalya, Turkey, 27-30 October 2013.
2012Final publication of Euro-Brazilian Windows (EBW), Erasmus Mundus External Co-operation Window (EM ECW).
2011"Palm oil with quality. No loss", Journal of Unicamp, Campinas, 31 October - 6 November 2011, Year XXV,
No. 512.
2009Doctorate Scholarship, Euro-Brazilian Windows (EBW), Erasmus Mundus Programme.
2004"Unicamp achieves excellence in 23 postgraduate courses", Correio Popular, Campinas, October 2004,
No. 24165, v. 77.

Talks and Presentations

Talks at Events
2016"Impact of Oil Refining on Contaminant Formation: MCPDs and glycidol esters"
VII CONALI - Seminar on Food Contaminants, Campinas, Brazil, 8th November 2016.
2013"Optimization of Enzymatic Degumming Process Conditions for Vegetable Oils"
11th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Antalya, Turkey, 27-30 October 2013.
2010"Evaluation of Palm Oil Deacidification with maintenance of high levels of minor components"
XVIII COBEQ - Brazilian Congress of Chemical Engineering, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 19-22 September 2010.

Conference Presentations
2013"Influence of the process conditions on the formation of 3 -MCPD esters in palms"
49th Congress of the European Societies of Technology (Eurotox 2013), Interlaken, Switzerland,
1-4 September 2013.
2011"The influence of palm oil quality on the refining conditions"
ICEF11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, Athens, Greece, 22-26 May 2011.
2010"Palm Oil Deacidification: a new process with retention of bioactive nutrients"
IUFost 15th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Capetown, South Africa, 22-26 August 2010.
2009"Steam Deacidification of the model system of refined palm stearin + refined palm olein + oleic acid"
5th International Technical Symposium on Food Processing, Monitoring Technology in Bioprocess and Food
Quality Management (CIGR 2009), Potsdam, Germany, 31 August 2009 - 2 September 2009.
2009"Enzymatic degumming using palm oil as vegetable matrix"
8th Latin America Food Science Symposium (SLACA 2009), Campinas, Brazil, 08-11 November 2009.
2008"Evaluation of the physical deacidification process of palm oil"
XXI Brazilian Congress of Food Science and Technology (CBCTA), Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 6-9 October 2008.
2005"Evaluation of a thermal storage system in the cooling of environments for food storage"
6th Latin America Food Science Symposium (SLACA 2005), Campinas, Brazil, 07-10 November 2005.
2005"Evaluation of the energy consumption in thermal storage systems using different control logics"
V Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos (CIBIA V), Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 2005.

Organizing Committees

20181st ICBC - International Congress on Bioactive Compounds, Campinas, Brazil,
22nd Nov - 23rd Nov 2018.
2017São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Reverse Engineering of Processed Foods, Campinas, Brazil,
25th September - 4th October 2017.
2014ESPCA - Advanced School on the Present and Future of Bioenergy, Campinas, Brazil, 10-17 October 2014.
20139th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Antwerp, Belgium, 5-7 June 2013.


2018 – presentThe Open Food Science Journal.
2018 – presentJournal of Food Processing and Preservation - Wiley.
2018 – presentPlant Foods for Human Nutrition - Springer.
2018 – presentJournal of Food Processing and Preservation - Wiley.
2018 – presentFood Chemistry - Elsevier.
2018 – presentFood Research International - Elsevier.
2017 – presentJournal of Cleaner Production - Elsevier.
2018 – presentJournal of Food Engineering - Elsevier.
2017 – presentInternational Journal of Food Engineering - De Gruyter.
2017 – presentLWT Food Science and Technology - Elsevier Journal.
2017 – presentJournal of Food Science - Wiley Journal.
2014 – presentFood and Bioproducts Processing - Elsevier Journal.
2015 – presentIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry Research - ACS Journal.

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